The bookstores in Pamplona explore the way to open their doors
  • We have talked to Hedoi Etxarte of Katakrak and Jon Bujanda of Karrikian to learn how they have adapted sales to the situation and how the process of opening physical shops is taking place.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2020ko maiatzaren 06a

Katakrak’s doors are closed, but they are already working inside, preparing shipments that reach sales via the Internet. The doors will open next week and how to do so is being studied. Etxarte wants to open the store: “A physical bookstore makes great sense: algorithms can improve, but they will never have that surprise chain effect from physical stores.”

At Karrikiri, books are being sold online, and they're happy with the answer. They are also taking the temperature of the situation and studying the measures to be taken. Bujanda said that, although the crisis will make the situation economically more difficult, with the support of the community it will be possible to continue working in favour of the Basque country.

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