Parents of children's schools in Pamplona call for a moratorium to apply the sentence
  • During the course of 2020-2021, the platform has asked that no "minor changes that do not satisfy anyone" be made. The City Council of Pamplona/Iruña has been with all the political forces last week and alternatives are being worked out to deal with seat cuts.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko maiatzaren 10
Otsailaren 1ean Iruñeko Udaletxe plaza lepo bete zen euskarazko haur eskolak eskatzeko. Navarra Sumaren erabakiak ehunka guraso eta herritar haserretu ditu. Argazkia:

It was Fernando Sesma who met with the parents of the platform on behalf of Navarra Suma. The Sesma has indicated that data from the recent survey will be used along with other tools to adapt the offer of the next course. For their part, Maite Sporrín of the PSN in the opposition warned them that the results of the survey will not be used by the deadlines.

Listening to the words of the representatives of the political parties, the HE Gurasoak platform has called for the enforcement of the sentence to be extended, “because it makes no sense to make some changes this course, knowing that they are not valid and that next year they will have to be made again”.

The platform is working on alternatives to provide answers to families who are left without an option to study in Basque in the public system due to the reduction of places. They have called for the cooperation of political parties, trade unions and social partners to seek alternatives to law reform.

The plan of the City of Pamplona assumes that in the next three years the Basque places in children's schools will be reduced to 14%, according to the platform. The mayor, Enrique Maya, has announced that the City Council will begin to reduce the Basque offer for the next year. As he pointed out, Joseba Asiron’s team has increased seats in Basque for political reasons to 40% in the last legislature and he will now take them to 22% to adapt them to the demands of the courts and to the offer.