The Archbishop of Pamplona acknowledges having paid victims who have been abused and have not come to court
  • Although it has not determined the amount of money paid to the victims, as received by Euskalerria Irratia, it is the payments made between 2007 and 2023, when Francisco Pérez has been the archbishop of Pamplona.
Izaro Villarreal Lauroba 2023ko azaroaren 13a
Argazkia: Euskalerria Irratia

He acknowledges for the first time that the Archbishop of Pamplona has paid money to several victims who have suffered abuses within the Catholic Church and have not taken the path of justice. Between 2007 and 2023 he made these “repairs” at the time when Francisco Pérez was archbishop. In total, ten cases have been known during this period: three of them have gone to court and seven have found “a solution in the offices for the victims of the archbishop”. They do not report the amount of money exchanged in those payments.

Recognition of victims

The General Directorate of Justice of the Government of Navarra has already begun to offer those who have denounced the sexual abuse of the Catholic Church “recognition of the status of victim” and a “means of reparation”. This is a measure derived from the Foral Law passed by the Parliament of Navarra in July last year. “We have created a safe space, we want these people to realize their needs, answer their questions and identify the steps needed to repair the damage,” the Government of Navarra explains in a note.