Police stop 3 people in Pamplona after the General Strike
  • The National Police has arrested at least three people in Donibane this morning, who have been arrested. Arrests are believed to be related to the police aggression that took place at this year’s General Strike. On that day, the National Police hit people working on the Donibane picket hard for no reason whatsoever. Several people were injured in various ways in the shooting, which resulted in several injuries. @ahotsainfo 2020ko otsailaren 13a
Greba Orokorrean Donibanen izandako bortizkeri poliziala salatzeko elkarretaratzea egin zuten herritarrek / Argazkia: @Sortu_Donibane

The National Police has arrested at least three persons in Donibane, who have been arrested. The police have linked them to the incidents during this year’s General Strike. In the General Strike, the National Police launched a piquet in the San Juan neighborhood, causing several injuries and arresting a young man.