On 25 June 1990 they were in the Foz de Lumbier and seek testimonies from Vitorians from 35 to 45 years old
  • In 1990, in the Lumbier foz, ETA militants Jon Lizarralde and Susana Arrangi died in the midst of a Civil Guard operation. Despite the official versions of suicide, his family and friends argue, among other things, that they were arrested, tortured and executed, proof of this is the water that Lizarralde had in his lungs. According to the summary, on that day in the Lumbier foz there were two buses of a children's tour organized by the Municipal Institute of Sports of Vitoria-Gasteiz and the memorial group Ensure Bazterrak seeks these people to gather testimonies.
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2022ko irailaren 12a
Irunberriko Arroilan ETAko bi kide torturatu eta exekutatu zituztela uste du bertsio ofiziala sinetsi ez duen jende ugarik.

On 25 June 1990, the Civil Guard detained three ETA militants in the Lumbier Foz, two of whom died: Jon Lizarralde with a shot in the head and Susana Arrangi with two shots in the head. The third, German Rubenach, was also shot in the head and was severely blind by one eye.

32 years later, Oñati’s ethnographic and historical research group, along with writer and journalist Pako Aristi, wants to investigate the facts, just as URL 0 and Hala Bedi have published.

In the hands of Summary 1/1990, they learned that on that day of events, in the foz of Lumbier there were two buses full of children from Vitoria who went on a tour organized by the Municipal Institute of Sports of Vitoria-Gasteiz. They estimate that these children are currently between 35 and 45 years old.

In order to receive new testimonies about what happened, they ask for help in locating the people who attended or were able to be on that tour, as well as anyone who knows more about the facts. Please send the email address to contact the Segment Bazterrak group.

Unresolved events of Lumbier by official silence

He had to change several times the official version of the Spanish Interior Minister, José Luis Corcuera, when they saw that ETA militants committed suicide when they were surrounded by police. The judicial investigation was unfinished, leaving unclarified some facts that questioned the version of the Civil Guard.

It was never investigated who shot Lizarralde and Arrangi, because the National Audience denied that it was Rubenach, as the prosecutor defended. It was also not explained why the water from the Irati River appeared in Jon Lizarralde's lungs, the cause of the conflicting testimonies, or the origin of the information that led to the arrest.

Jon Lizarralde, Susana Arrangi and Germán Rubenach were members of ETA and this institution accused the Civil Guard of torturing and executing the three militants.