Asturias-Veleia, 18 years ago
Tomas Elortza Ugarte 2024ko ekainaren 13a

In June 18 years ago we started to get to know the paintings of Iruña Veleia. Good news for the Basques.

But the current situation is not so satisfactory. On the one hand, the Provincial Council of Álava (DFA) says that all graphites are false, and that those who think otherwise are conspiracies. On the other hand, the court judgment published four years ago. And the third part, which proclaims that science must decide the authenticity or falsehood of graphites: together with philological studies, they require the performance of physical-chemical tests, dating, thermoluminescence, C14a, etc., as with the Hand of Irulegi.

The conviction that the trial would resolve the graft issue was corrupt. Eliseo Gil served to punish, but only for "falsifying" 36 graffiti

The conviction that the trial would resolve the graft issue was corrupt. Eliseo Gil served to punish, but only for "falsifying" 36 graffiti (another thing is if the evidence of that counterfeiting is credible, because they are based on the investigation of a single person). A further seventeen researchers did not reach that conclusion. Eliseo Gil invokes the judgment.

In addition, some of the statements in the judgment question the complete certainty of the DFA and indicate that there is still much to do about graphites: Only 39 graphites were analyzed in the IPCE, one of them real and 36 false, and the rest, which refers to 291, has not been analyzed. And none of them.

Meanwhile, those who have opted for Science are striving against the current trend, organizing monthly lectures and guided tours, writing articles and letters, asking AFA to analyze the graffiti in three laboratories, using blogs and networks, recording videos, denouncing the destruction that is being done in the field…, in the total hope that finally Iruña Veleia will be illuminated.

Tomas Elortza Ugarte