Iruña Veleia Argitu says that until the datations are made no justice will be done
  • After fourteen years, the case has come to an end. The judge has accused the two defendants, Eliseo Gil, Rubén Cerdán and Oskar Escribano, of false graffiti and has condemned the two. The Iruña–Veleia Argitu project says that justice will not be done until the datations are made.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko ekainaren 11
Iruña-Veleia Argitu ekimenak egindako agerraldia, 2018an (Argazkia: Argazkia: E. Lanao)

Fourteen years later, with nine years of instruction and twelve trial sessions, the Iruña Veleia case already has a judgment: according to the judge, graffiti is false. The judge considers the head of the forgery to be the head of the site, Eliseo Gil, who has been sentenced to two years, three months and 23 days in prison for fraud, documentary misrepresentation and crimes against the heritage. Rubén Cerdán has been sentenced to less than one year in prison for falsifying his report, one year, three months and 23 days in prison.

With Gil and Cerdan, in total, there are three defendants who have been sentenced to prison. In fact, on the first day of the trial, the geologist Oskar Escribano was also convicted, charged with a crime of murder. Reason: falsification of writings and images. The defendant admitted that he had written "Veleia" in one of the indictment's pieces, with the intention of mocking his peers, according to him. Escribano agreed with the indictment a one-year prison sentence and a fine of EUR 2,000 for each.

The judge considers that the trial has been lengthened and has imposed extenuating on the three detainees, so they will not have to go to jail. The judgment is not final, and the parties may appeal to the Supreme Court.

The Lurmen company has already announced its intention to bring the judgment before the Supreme Court. Together with SOS Iruña–Veleia, Euskararen origin-Martin Ttipia, Lurmen is also part of the Iruña–Veleia Argitu project. In a statement, they stated that they were opposed to the sentence and considered that they had been violated "all rights" in the trial. They say that the judge has not allowed a sample of graffiti to be studied by European laboratories specializing in archaeometry. They indicate that there will be no justice until the dates are made.