Iruin and Etxeberria deny from the Endarlaza tunnel the official version of the murder of Zabraise
  • This Friday marks the 36th anniversary of the murder of Mikel Zabraise by the Civil Guard at the hands of the Ertzaintza. The family will remember on Sunday the event that will take place in Orbaitzeta.
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Forensic physician Paco Etxeberria and family attorney Iñigo Iruin Zabraise have returned to the Endarlaza Tunnel and from there they deny the version that the Civil Guard gave in their day and that is still recognized as the official truth.

Iruin and Etxeberria have entered at 6:00 hours, in the evening, according to the Civil Guard version, in the tunnel. A lieutenant was held from his arm to the detainee and reportedly headed for an ETA juice, according to the Civil Guard. Zabraise had his hands tied with wives in front of his body and two civil guards would open the way to right and sinister about six or seven meters later.

When they came to the pit, the civil guard passing by his side went ahead without informing the lieutenant accompanying Zabraise from the hole in the wall. When he reached the height of the hole, Zabraise struck the lieutenant with his knee in the testicles and threw himself through the hole.

Today there are stairs to the Bidasoa River, but then it did not exist and Iruin says that below the tunnel there is a large slope, “there will be a minimum of 30 degrees”. Etxeberria slowly lowers, saying it would be very difficult to lower her hands tied, jump into the water and everything silently. “Impossible,” adds Iruin. They also stress that it is even more amazing that he has escaped from there and has not been beaten by the civil guards behind Zabraise. The official version says that everything happened silently, that the civil guards did not hear anything, and that they launched into the race towards the beginning and the end of the tunnel. Of course, the civilian guards were armed, but not gunshots, or warnings that they would stop. Nothing. All in silence, according to the official version.

All this story can be seen in chapter 10 of the webseries Where is Miguel? These chapters are being completed with the remaining material that has been received for the film. The film is now among the candidates for the Goia Awards in Spain.

“The case needs to be clarified”

In an interview with Euskalerria Irratia, the sister of the deceased, Idoia Zabascene, explained that “like every year, we have prepared a floral offering and a chat with friends and family”. Asked about the request for forgiveness made by the Member of Parliament of Nabarra Suma Iñaki Iriarte, he pointed out that this is a further step, but that the case remains unresolved and that this is the most important thing, to clarify the case: “Although words are to be welcomed, everyone has a responsibility where they are.”