The Basque dam Irkus Badillo is released on parole
  • The political prisoner of Ugao-Miraballes served three-quarters of the sentence in February 2019. He was in Basauri prison from last May until today.
Leire Artola Arin 2021eko azaroaren 16a
Presoak etxeratzeko eskatzeko manifestazio baten irudia. / Argazkia: Etxerat.

Irkus Badillo, a native of Ugao, had been in prison for seventeen years and nine months and has been released on probation today, according to ETXERAT in a statement. He entered prison in 2004 and was tried in 2007 for a murder offence. Sentenced to 20 years in prison, he completed three-quarters in February 2019.

He has remained in prison in Catalonia until last April, when his transfer to Basauri was decreed, going to third grade, at the request of the Spanish Penitentiary Institutions.