Release of views
  • I'm intoxicated, contaminated. Quiet reader, I don't think I've captured the Coronavirus anymore, but the information bombings, the uncertain press conferences and the speeches released from the angry microphones have ended my patience. Be careful, I don't want to fall into demagogy, we have a very serious issue in our hands, and I'm really worried. In addition, these days I have been reading newspapers and listening sadly to the black notes of the media. I have looked carefully at the views of all the experts and politicians and, once again, they have said nothing, “the old new”. So things, isn't it time to start drinking from another manger?
Karlos Aretxabaleta 2020ko apirilaren 07a

I, at least, have done so, and the students of my institute, in the course of Euskera, have noticed me in some opinion articles that they wrote recently. On this occasion, however, I have neglected the grammatical correction, wealth or “clinical eye” that we teachers have to read their unfiltered demands and opinions. I assure the reader that the words of some baccalaureate boys and girls have uprooted me or completely freed me from the sense of rage that I described at the beginning.

It can be said that their words are not covered and that, although they have mistakes, they are generally well sewn, because our young people have a lot to say. They have elaborate opinions on many issues, but often no one has asked them anything. This is the paradox of teaching; that is, of all the questions we put to the students, how many have the character that a “real question” should have?

As far as the views of young people are concerned, if I had to underline something, it would be the sincerity and the freshness of their words. Unfortunately, today, finding unmalicious speeches in our society is a chimera.

"If I had to emphasize something about the views of young people, it would be the sincerity and freshness of their words. Unfortunately, today, finding unmalicious speeches in our society is a chimera"

As I have already said, I must confess that a girl stunned me with an analogy in her article. He used the image of the rail of the metro to reflect the fear of society and young people. Adults are afraid of this new virus, but young people are more afraid of the darkness and loneliness of Saturday night. Surprised, I asked him about what he wanted to reflect his article in the classroom and he asked me: “What is the virus compared to what makes me afraid on a normal Saturday night, when I go home?”

In order to offer a “golden minute” to the opinions of our young people, I would like to summarize in these last lines the reflections of other students. If there were parents or teachers reading this article and, in addition, had teenagers at home, that knows that there may be a policy between the concerns and the prepared opinions of their children, as an extreme right party (VOX) in Spain could cause them discomfort. Our students may reflect on the erotic lie that pornography has created among young people and consider porn as the liver dog of the heteropatriarchate or dream of the changes that the virus can bring to the world of football so that this sport is fairer in terms of gender equality. On the other hand, our young people, because of the confinement, can remember a lot of the imprisoned women in their homes, but, in the confidence that we protect them, we did not ask them about it, for example, a student said in her article: “Amen, you here and I here.”

So things like that, I'd like to end this bombing with a question or a rhetorical missile. Has anyone asked students these weeks sincerely how they are? What opinion, fear or hope do you have about the next course? More than one student would empty his or her bowels at ease if we dared to do it sincerely. But no, we pay more attention to politicians or to false journalists than to our “new outbreaks”.

Is it not time, as I have already said, to start drinking from another manger? Let us therefore give the right to the word and the opinion of our young people.