Yesterday we presented the elites of Hego Euskal Herria in Donostia. Power analysis book. The book, directed by UPV/EHU professor Jon Díaz Egurbide, is dedicated to the relationship between the elites and the universities of Hego Euskal Herria and has been published by the foundations Ipar Hegoa and Manu Robles-Arangiz. The research team of the UPV/EHU has relied on the research methodology Elitist Britain 2019 and, despite the difficulties that public administrations have faced, of the 3,953 people occupying 5,500 elite jobs, have obtained the curricula of 2,806. It has been particularly difficult for them to collect data from senior officials in Osakidetza: they have only earned 49.5% of the posts.
"Although the number of university students studying in Deusto does not reach 13%, approximately 43% of senior officials and managers of public companies in the Basque Government study there"
Although it has been decided not to name, in the book you will find all the data you want about the elite of Hego Euskal Herria. For example, the CAV population receiving an income above 100,000 euros does not reach 1% and the CAV population receiving more than 60,000 euros is 4%. A lot? Not enough?
What I find most important is this: Although the number of university students studying in Deusto does not reach 13%, about 43% of senior officials and managers of public companies in the Basque Government have studied there. This information is maintained at the head of private companies.
I was also struck by the fact that 54% of the students of the University of Navarra study at the University of Navarra. In the Parliament of Navarre and in the senior positions of the foral government this same percentage is repeated, but in Osasunbidea this figure rises to 70%.
It is found that the number of people who have studied at private university in higher level jobs is higher than that of the public university. The elite of Hego Euskal Herria uses private university to reproduce its power. From a democratic point of view, this is very worrying, as it is a sign of the privatization of democracy to which Jule Goikoetxea refers on many occasions, and the trend shown by the study in recent years will not reassure us very much: in the last eight years, in the CAV, the public university has lost 7% of the students for the benefit of the private university.
In addition to the numerous data, the book has a second part more “literary”: Different professors doctors and professors of the UPV/EHU (Paulo Iztueta, Ane Larrinaga, Iñaki Asunqu Antiquity, Joseba Agirreazkuenaga, Josu Amezaga, Iñaki Zabaleta, Gurutze Ezkurdia
The book is available here. Enjoy!