Montero, Unidos We can: "We will be the force of peace"
  • Irene Montero Unidas, Podemos candidate, has begun with concern the statements of the election night: “The number of forces with a military consensus is worrying and the rise of the right end is untenable.” Faced with this, “the end of genocide and peace are our priority”.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko ekainaren 10

“We are the force of peace, the force of ending the Palestinian genocide, the force of advancing rights. The forces that we don't make up have to grow and together we have to change the world. We can dream and build another world. Hope overcomes fear.”

Montero stressed the need to grow "the forces of the just and the beautiful", the need for progressive parties to grow. It has defended the struggles of women, of the LGTBI+ movement, of the transas and of racist people and has claimed that they do not want vulture funds and that the rich have to pay more.

“We take on all these political tasks,” he concluded.