A revolution?
  • The authorities are making a lot of noise in some areas, around a supposed "electric revolution" in the Spanish state and another of the alleged "fiscal revolutions" that are taking place in the world, according to large media publishers. Too much propaganda.
Juan Mari Arregi 2021eko ekainaren 10

We should not believe in them before we know them. Although we are bombarded with information of a publicity nature, it will not be known until a few months from now. And let's not forget that whoever runs and controls these possible "revolutions" is the same capitalist system that conditions the political decisions of all the governments of the world.

While citizens are stunned by the hours of the electricity tariff, the Spanish Government has announced the implementation of a preliminary draft law to reduce the remuneration of nuclear and hydraulic power plants, which would cut electricity companies by EUR 1 billion in so-called “fallen profits from the sky”. The law would not enter into force until 2022, but the employers of those companies and the nuclear forum are already being blackmailed for the argument that it would lead to a technical bankruptcy of nuclear power stations.

On the other hand, the most powerful countries have sold a "historic agreement" on the taxation of the large global multinationals, which will become a minimum tax of 15% on profits. At first it was 28%, then it was 21%, and it has finally been reduced to 15%. This agreement must be examined and approved by a large number of third countries. Let's wait for the small print and see what's left for that 15 percent. For example, in the Spanish state corporate tax is, in theory, 25%, but after tax deductions, only 8.3% is real.

Let us not fool ourselves. It is a metamorphosis to keep accumulating millionaire profits. That's his "revolution." Capitalism is for something expert in fiscal engineering.