The Bolivarian movement initiated an unthinkable transformation; Venezuela stirred up the foundations of neoliberal society and began the path towards socialism, empowering a humble people. But the Bolivarian revolution has been aimed at the entire continent. Transnational structures driven by Venezuela and Cuba (ALBA, CELAC, UNASUR, Petrocaribe, TeleSur...) The Bolivarian idea of “Gran Colombia”, almost 200 years later, showed that it was feasible from a left-wing point of view. In fact, the internationalist policy developed by Chávez and Fidel has been an example for all the revolutionaries and revolutionaries of the world.
The Bolivarian revolution called into question the hegemony of the United States in Latin America, as the backyard of the Yankees was becoming red. In addition to revolutionary governments, powers such as Brazil and Argentina began to liberate themselves from the grip of the Empire. This dangerous change in the correlation of forces must be taken into account in order to understand, among others, the turn to the right of Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador and Honduras, some by coup d'état.
It is known that Venezuelan oil, gas, gold, coltan... are precious resources and that U.S. imperialism will never accept to stay out of the capitalist market. But the obsession with Venezuela has another reason: To curb the collective empowerment process of the Bolivarian Revolution and the idea of socialism and internationalism developed by it. And the attempted coup d'état that the country is experiencing today is nothing more than a continuation of what has happened in the last 20 years, but on this occasion in another way.
Indeed, the element of the pressure of the so-called international community has been very important in this new essay. From the diplomatic recognition of the authority of the Guaidó to the instrumentalization of the media. In the Basque Country, the Parliament of Navarre rejected the motion of respect for the sovereignty of Venezuela, and the Basque Parliament approved Guaidó as President of Venezuela; EAJ-PNV, with Mr Anasagasti at the head, being the most sincere advocate of the Venezuelan ultra-right goldist opposition. And Basque public television, EITB, has also defended without masks the attempted coup d’état that violates international law and all human rights.
But the Venezuelan people are well aware that Euskal Herria has more dignity than that. The internationalist solidarity developed in our country has made us reference in Venezuela, and in the last 20 years we have been travelling companions of the Bolivarian revolution. This is demonstrated by the numerous concentrations, talks and solidarity actions that we have organized in Euskal Herria against this coup d'état, interviews in numerous media and the commitment of hundreds of brigadists who have been brigadists during all these years. Basque internationalism is also an example for the rest of the peoples.
We Basques are playing a lot in Venezuela. The fall of the Bolivarian Revolution would have serious consequences both in Latin America and in the Basque Country. At this critical moment there is no room for interventionist positions, to which we are in favour of peace and liberating projects it is up to us to defend the sovereignty of the Venezuelan country, which means defending the Bolivarian revolution, multiplying internationalist solidarity.
Over 30 Venezuelan popular movements have called us to defend the sovereignty of their country and the Bolivarian revolution; let us not leave them alone, because their struggle is ours too.
Two peoples, a single struggle. Long live the Bolivarian revolution! Viva Euskal Herria internationalista!