Continuous reading of his book on the 50th anniversary of Etxebarrieta's death
  • Reading the book 'The Favorable Winds' by Etxebarria among lawyers of different generations. The reading organized by Etxebarrieta Memoria Elkartea will begin on Saturday at 9:00 in the Plaza de los Hermanos Etxebarrieta (Bilbao) and will take place at 13:45 hours.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko martxoaren 31
Memoria elkarteak ekitaldian parte hartzeko deia egin diete euskal askapen prozesuaren baitan defentsa lanetan ibilitako abokatuei(Argazkia: Etxebarrieta Memoria Elkartea)

On 3 April it is 50 years since the death of ETA leader and lawyer José Antonio Etxebarrieta. To pay tribute to the work of the lawyers, the Etxebarrieta Memory Association will conduct a continuous reading on Saturday of the book "The Favorable Winds" of Etxebarrieta. It will be held in the Plaza de los Hermanos Etxebarrieta de Bilbao, under the name of José Antonio and Txabi Etxebarrieta, from 9:00 hours. The event will be held at 13:45 a.m.

The reading will involve dozens of lawyers and lawyers from different generations, as well as "several significant names" who met the lawyer, according to the memory association.

Some of the participating lawyers are Miguel Castells, Pedro Ibarra, Francisco Letamendia Ortzi, Jone Goirizelaia, Arantza Zulueta and Alfonso Zenon. On the same day, Kepa Enbeita, Jone Dorronsoro, Itziar Aizpurua, Ramón Zallo, Petxo Idoiaga, Tasio Erkizia and "other significant names" will attend.

The Memory Association has been "excited" with the welcome of the initiative and has appealed to lawyers who have participated in the defence of the Basque liberation process.