Unsupportive and unjust civil servants
Miren Karmele Ikatzeta Zuriarrain 2023ko abuztuaren 23a

In the CAV educational system there are professors who create and promote an unsupportive and dangerous trend that goes against the rights of workers, professors who have worked as interim years and years and have now stabilized.

In the CAPV educational system, interim teachers have been, year after year, fundamental in offering Basque children and young people quality education. Moreover, most of the interim teachers have been updated and rehabilitated in innovative pedagogy, digital competence, etc. An age equal to or greater than the teaching staff (“career officer”), probably after many of the latter have worked and without specific control by the Basque Government, which may not have been updated in pedagogical, digital skills, etc.

After many years (ten and/or twenty-one in many cases) in this irregular and illegal employment situation, the European Union demanded the stabilisation of its jobs. Consequently, the Spanish Government and the Basque Government have established and applied the legal processes to ensure the stability of these teachers through the opposition of merits. Of course, in the opposition of merits the requirements have also been demanding: to demonstrate a broad teaching experience; to have academic degrees (more than one university degree in many cases); to have guaranteed training and updating through courses in digital competence, etc.

An illegal situation against workers' rights has therefore been resolved through a rigorous and fair procedure. But, even if it sounds like a lie, several professors, called “career officials”, are opposed to it and show enormous insolidarity.

The Basque Government now has to comply with the decree and the process established so that the interim teachers who have obtained a place continue to provide quality education to Basque children and young people.

Miren Karmele Ikatzeta Zuriarrain, professor