They call on the Administration to take into account the open spaces for education
  • During the pandemic, educational agents have called on the public administration to take into account, once and for all, external spaces (especially natural spaces) for teaching and to provide the means to do so. They have launched a collection of signatures with the aim of “facilitating the systematic approach of schools to natural spaces”.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2020ko abuztuaren 31

“We would like to call for extra-curricular spaces (especially natural spaces) to be taken into account. These spaces, in addition to demonstrating that they are safer environments, are compatible with the emotional development of the students and facilitate the necessary interpersonal relationships”, notes the document. After all, many corners of the world have been set in motion to try to get the schools out of the way, and they claim that in Euskal Herria we should also follow that path.

Map of public spaces of the town

In Hernani, for example, Mikel Insausti has identified 24 open spaces close to the local schools (on foot) to be able to guide “child education safely and without masks”: some of these spaces are in the village itself and others, more natural, in the grasslands and forests of the area. “They occupy a total area of 118,000 square meters.”

Why not make this kind of village to village maps, why not organize a map of outdoor spaces in favor of healthier teaching?