On 14 September the Bertsolaris Championship of Gipuzkoa kicks off in Urretxu
  • The championship will last three months and the final will be played on December 14 at the Illumbe fronton in Donostia. Tickets for all sessions are available on the web @bertsozale 2024ko ekainaren 28a

This Thursday we presented the Bertsolaris Championship of Gipuzkoa 2024 at the headquarters of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. The President of Gipuzkoako Bertsozale Elkartea, Asier Azpiroz, and the Member for Culture, Cooperation, Youth and Sports, Goizane Álvarez have taken the floor: the first representing the organising entity and the second representing the sponsoring entity.

After an intense qualifying phase, the Bertsolaris Championship of Gipuzkoa will be held in Gipuzkoa. Participating 48 bertsolaris. From Urretxu to the end of Donostia-San Sebastian 16 programs will be played. Of the 48 bertsolaris who will participate in the championship, 34 won the championship pass at the Gipuzkoa Bertsotan qualifying stage that was held in spring. The rest of the 14 bertsolaris won the pass in the championship held five years ago. In addition, the Championship will have the participation of 16 Gaiters and 15 judges and collaborators.

In total, there will be 16 programs that will complete the championship, with three phases and finals: seven octaves of final, five quarters of final, three semifinals and the great final. The first session will take place in the Labeaga room in the Guipuzkoan village of Urretxu.


The championship comes after a five-year gap, on a very special anniversary for the bilbaíno team. In fact, as in the Gipuzkoa Bertsotan qualifying phase, at the Bertsolaris Championship in Gipuzkoa we will remember the 50th anniversary of the first bertsos school in Gipuzkoa. Unai Gaztelumendi has given a third dimension to the image he created for the spring phase.

Entries and follow-up

Tickets for all sessions are for sale on the web As usual, the members and young people of Bertsozale Elkartea will have a special price on the tickets.

On our website and on social networks we will share all the information related to the championship.