Win or lose, Trump indicator, model and icon
Sonia González @sonetska 2020ko azaroaren 04a

Believing that I needed to improve my English and watch movies in the original version was not enough, one day I started listening to Trump's speeches. Yes, I know, my “friction” has no limits. The word of that man is easy and poor, very limited. Listen and repeat correct, therefore. At what point! At what point I started my trip to the election, in the craziest sense of the lovely word, of course.

The moment I write this, we still don't know what's going to happen. Trump won or lost. It's the tangential of the pathways. And of course, we don't know what's going to happen if Trump loses, whether he accepts it or not, how far the environment is going to go, if the armed men's groups that he's sued are going to rise... He's probably a thief dog. Despite the danger of being four more years in power, the promotion and strengthening of these extreme positions is, however, important.

Trump is the ultimate exponent of the new fascism. There are, they have been and will be their similarities, but in this case we are talking about the President of the United States of America, with all the meaning that that means. And, although Trump is not the creator, a whole movement that is playing Europe has found in him a model and an icon.

"A new fascist wave that crosses the world, as well as being possible, is underway, accompanied by a great political, economic and social force"

He was a good guy from the very beginning to take him to the presidency. A self-made man completely, but far from the connotations of effort that many dedicate to the term, who has dedicated his entire life to making himself. To be in favour of abortion, to oppose it; to give Democrats a lot more money, to present it from the Republican Party ... Do not believe that it lacks firm principles: every power and privilege as a rich white man are its ardent principles.

An ideal type with character: megalomaniac and sociopath, narcissistic and insolent, able to say anything that passes through his head, proud of his inability. That's how it's become an icon. There is nothing more to see in Germany and elsewhere in Europe the protesters who are under Trump’s pictures and slogans.

Model, because it's been better than anyone in the form. In fact, the fundamentals of this movement are not news: ultranationalism, racism and machismo; terrible social polarization and guilt; arrogance and galantry... but it is a new way to play the cards in this historical-social juncture of the 21st century: how to use the ever-sounding lies that are now called fake news, how to use social media to change the most forceful reality. Old messages and objectives, new ways and means.

They have also considered it a political model in the Spanish State. So, for example, in the motion of censure, which had to be Vox's most important time of propaganda, it was Trump's speech that echoed in the congress. With Francoist spontaneity and Kañi, but he copies quite faithful. They're movement because they're not isolated, they're in contact. And for a next time we have to leave the Iberofera that Vox wants to complete.

A new fascist flood across the world, as well as being possible, is under way, accompanied by a great political, economic and social force. I guess it happened this way a century ago, when, although it was obvious that it was born, expanded, reinforced, nobody wanted to believe it or, at least, did not anticipate the gravity of this effect.