The Weekly Ipar Euskal Herriko Hitza is ten years old. It is precisely on 5 November that the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Association of Navarros, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa Hitzek took place. They are weeklies created by the BERRIA Group and have always been published on Fridays; in the case of Navarre and Iparralde, eight pages and in the case of Iparralde, sixteen. There is no Hitza in Álava, there is the Alea Weekly, and one of its partners is the BERRIA Group.
Since 1990, there have been national journalists – Euskaldunon Egunkaria and BERRIA – and in 2001 the media group, in cooperation with local actors, was set up in Tolosaldea Egunero – in 2003, after the closure of Egunkaria, was called Tolosaldeko Hitza. To complete his communication project, ten years ago, he created the Basque semanaries of the different countries of the world.
In his ten years of work, Hitza has cited a lot of topical issues from Lapurdi, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa, as demonstrated by others who have moved on to the archives since the cover of 5 November 2010: The objective of the TAV, the feminist movement, linguistic rights, the peace process, ecological problems, economic and social issues, youth movements, the creation of the Basque Commonwealth, culture…; the full list would be too long to mention it.
The Review section of Astekai has also traveled the way, as last year he jumped from the exchange of letters to the drawings of the Eleketa section. On the Internet, on the other hand, Ipar Euskal Herriko Hitza also guaranteed its presence, through the integration of the website from its creation and the exchange of contents from different social networks.
In recent years, joint work between the Basque media has also been reflected in this weekly.