Panorama of the elections of Ipar Euskal Herria, by district
  • This 30 June marks the first round of the elections to the French Parliament, an unprecedented date. The winner of 12.5% of the votes will get the pass to the second round to be held on 7 July. In the European elections on June 9, RN became the first right-wing force in Ipar Euskal Herria. In response, leftist parties, including EH Bai, are united. Ipar Euskal Herria has three Members, and numerous candidates have been nominated for the party's primaries.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2024ko ekainaren 27a
EH Bai koalizio abertzalea ezkerreko Fronte Popular Berriarekin aurkezten da, eskuin muturrari bidea mozteko asmoz. Argazkia: EH Bai

This Sunday is the first round of the elections to the French Parliament, and many of the candidates are looking at the three seats that are heading for Iparralde. If there are six candidates in the fourth constituency which brings together the municipalities of Zuberoa and Baja Navarra, ten in the fifth constituency of Baiona and eight in the sixth of the coast of Lapurdi.

As in the French State, four candidates will appear in the balance: The far-right National Union, the candidacy of Macron, the New People's Left Front and the right-wing Republican. Two of the three Members appointed in 2022 are re-nominated: in the fourth, leftist Iñaki Echaniz and in the fifth, Florence Lasserre, a supporter of Macron. In the sixth, the Macronist Vincent Bru leaves his seat, as he explained to journalists, because he criticises the decision to dissolve Parliament and its health, which is not at the best time.

As for the Abertzales, the EH Bai coalition has chosen to present itself within the New People’s Left Front, also obtaining representation – Peio Dufau is the candidate in the sixth constituency and Alain Iriart in the fifth. The representatives of the candidature of the New Popular Front have described the unity with the French parties as "historic" and stressed that: "In Euskal Herria this unity has been possible and, taking into account our particularity, to put the relations of forces that we have here to try to win the elections. Today, here, we want to highlight the generosity and responsibility of all the participants."

Unlike in the past general elections, the PNV is also present in the three polling stations. Jean-Marie Erramuzpe, Gracianne Mirande and Jean Tellechea wanted to complete a program that starts from the reality of Euskal Herria and has been presented by Maddalen Iriarte.

Of course, the application of the extreme right is the one that generates the most questions. It remains to be seen whether he will repeat the high results obtained in the European elections of 9 June, in which for the first time the first force emerged in Ipar Euskal Herria, winning in 92 of the 158 peoples. Although the RN puts the faces of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella at the forefront, the local candidates are not known in the territory – the main rivals at the same time – and it will be seen to what extent this ignorance influences the political sphere.

List of candidates per constituency:

In fourth constituency: Iñaki Echaniz (New Popular Front, left), Jean Lassalle (Résistons!, right), BEÑAT Cachenaut (Republicans, right), Sylviane López (RN, far right), Gracianne Mirande BEC (PNV) and Carlos Ribeiro (Lutoute, far left).

In 2022, Echaniz won the second round barely, obtaining 90 more votes than Macron's. In that year Jean Lassalle, who was a Member for twenty years, was not present. This year, however, it has got into the fight and trusting in the previous elections, it may be thought that it will return to good results – although the right-wing candidate, Kashenaute, also had a great deal of support and fame among the farmers who dominate that constituency.

In the fifth constituency: Florence Lasserre (Renaissance, de Macron), Colette Capdevielle (New Left, Left), Valérie Castrec (Republicans, Right), Jean-Marie Erramuzpe (PNV), Serge Rosso (Ultraderecha Danove), Philippe

In 2022, Lasserre was imposed with 54.4% of the votes against the left-wing alliance. The one who was a socialist MP between 2012 and 2017, Capdevielle, lost the election in the wind blown in favor of Macron in 2017. Lasserre took over the seat and this year decided to reintroduce it.

Sixth electoral district: Christian Devèze (Ensemble, next to Macron), Peio Dufau (New Left, Left), Emmanuelle Brisson (Republicans), Jean Tellechea (PNV), Victor Lastécouères (RN, extreme right, joining the right) Cor-Acre.

In 2022, Vincent Bru, a supporter of Macron, won with 60.21% of the votes against the left-wing alliance. On this occasion it does not appear and has been replaced by the Mayor of Kanbo, Christian Devèze.