Artists of Ipar Euskal Herria call to vote the New Popular Front
  • Through a joint declaration, the extreme right has shared its vision of what the fact of being the winner can bring at cultural and social level. In total, 94 artists and cultural agents have signed the document for the time being.
Julen Ugartemendia Carcedo 2024ko uztailaren 05a
Argazkia: AFP

The elections of 30 June in the French State have provoked many reactions that have not been expected. In the French state, with 34% of the votes, the extreme right was the great winner, and of the eight Members who had the ultraderecha in 2017, in the first round it has moved to 289. In Ipar Euskal Herria (IEH), on the contrary, the New Popular Left Front (FHB) has been the winner of the first round, although the left members have called to vote “responsibly” on the second round of 7 July.

The artists of Ipar Euskal Herria have made a joint statement in which they have called on the FHB to vote. They considered it “essential” to vote on the left, “for artists and cultural agents to be able to create freely, for culture to spread in the villages and for the people to have the culture in their hands”. They have said what the arrival of the extreme right can bring to power: “We have to prevent power from being acquired by those who have narrow, strong and unilateral visions.”

From the point of view of IEH artists, they have drawn up a list of what it would mean to vote in favour of the Left: a strong and independent public service, a guarantee of greater social justice, policies for women’s rights, defence of LGBTQI+ rights, integration and protection of immigrants, the fight for minority languages and protection and care of the environment. They have highlighted the values conveyed by culture and have argued that "it opposes the cuts of hatred, separation and freedoms".

They stressed the importance of culture for society, and stressed that this "makes a country" and is an "indispensable part of the identity" of the IEH society. They affirm that culture promotes "the development of the social space", which strengthens "solidarity and unity" and supposes "the dissemination of imagination and knowledge".

For the time being, the declaration has been signed by 94 artists and cultural agents of IEH, including Anje Duhalde, Irantzu Idoate, Miren Artetxe, Jurgi Ekiza and Manex Fuchs.