In Ipar Euskal Herria a “day of mobilization and fight against speculation” has been organized on Saturday
  • On 15 July the Ostia collective will offer nine different quotes in Iparralde in defense of land and the right to housing, and against speculation.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko uztailaren 12a
Senpereko etxaldearen okupazioa, espekulazioaren aurka. Argazkia: Ostia sarea.

The Ostia network has organized for Saturday morning a “day of mobilization and struggle” throughout the Northern Basque Country. The neighbours of Ahetze, BAB, Cambo, Maule and the Arberoa Valley are called to meet.

Ostia states in the document: “Land and housing, prisoners of capitalist logic, are increasingly becoming commodities rather than serving our basic needs.” They have organised different quotes: Sara at 9:00 on the neck of San Ignacio; Arbero at 4 quotes at 9:00 in Donoztegi at 9:30 in Donamartiri, at 10:00 in Izturiz and at 10:30 in Aiherra; BAB at 10:30 in Aguilera; Ahen at 11:00 in the grounds of Larnya.

At the end of the day, a party was held at the Olha de Senpere farm, occupied since 27 June. The occupation of the estate was an initiative of the collective Ostia, ELB, Lurzaindia and Senperar.