In Ipar Euskal Herria no tests will be performed in the third evaluation
  • Since it cannot be ensured that tests can be carried out under optimum conditions, French National Co-education has suspended all June tests except the French oral examination.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2020ko apirilaren 19a

Since the Rectorate of Bordeaux, which is part of the French National Education, the school centers of Ipar Euskal Herria have reached the way of passing the third trimester assessment: as it cannot be ensured that the tests can be carried out in optimal conditions, all the tests of June have been suspended, except the French oral. This exam is passed by the students of the 1st Baccalaureate and the test consists of an oral exposition and a colloquium on a literary text, before a professor of other centers.

Continuous evaluation and course note according to the previous two quarters

The centres hope to receive concrete guidelines on the evaluation of National Education by the end of April. At the moment it is known that in the third quarter the evaluation will be continuous and in order to determine the final grade note, the notes obtained in the previous two quarters, i.e. the work done or not carried out during the closing period, will be taken into account.

Students may be given the grades of the third trimester explaining their location in the teachers' requirements, but they may not be officially counted in the calculation of the full course note.

The low will also be performed without examination

The drop was due to have occurred between 17 and 24 June, but these tests have also been suspended. After studying the classes and dossiers of the students, it is expected that on 7 July it will be known which students have approved the low and which have not.