Mayor Buru Aga calls for “not to be lost in oblivion” of the 44 mosquitoes killed in the walnut
  • On the 81st anniversary of the Intxorta resistance, 231 fighters and militiamen killed in that seven-month battle have been remembered in Elgeta, including 44 Elorrians. The mayor of Elorrio, Idoia Buru, also participated in the event.
Anboto @anboto 2018ko apirilaren 23a

To look to the future, it is essential to know the past. “To prevent this from happening, let our children know the story of their grandparents.” In addition to those killed in the fight, Buru also remembers the women who fell from the front and were later raped in the villages.

The Mayor praised the recent birth of the Elorriion Laumunarrieta Memorial Association.

Juan Ramón Altus, member of Intxorta 1937, has written an opinion article about this in Goiena:

"Seventy-five years ago, the Elgas and the thousands of militiamen and warriors who had come to fight at the foot of Intxorta suffered, for seven months, from September 1936 to April 1937, the most violent face of all wars: cruelty. arrests, shootings, witch hunts, brutal repression of women, rape, forced labour...

With tons of bombs, Elgeta was destroyed, and nine years later the City Hall building was repaired, while at home, much later.

But the hardest part, after 75 years, is that no one has yet apologized.

Elgeta and its surroundings were an example of the Basque Resistance. The insurgents and their allies, with the Germans, Italians and Moors, could not overcome the trenches here.

The troops of Mola and Camilo Alonso Vega had to endure the defeat over and over again during their raids.

In front of the professional military, the warlords and militia leaders were civilians: Felipe Bediaga, Pablo Ugarte, Segundo Olazagoitia, Patxo Gorritxo, Félix Casero, Pablo Bellota... the best weapon of the warriors and militiamen was to believe in the Rincón de la Libertad.

Therefore, on April 22, at the Puerta de Intxorta, a tribute was paid to the relatives of those killed during the war and to those who had worked so heroically in the Elgeta sector in the following battalions:

Basque Militias, Basque Anti-fascist Militias, Popular Militias, Amuategi, ANV I Olabarri, Arana Goiri, Regimientos Vascos de Artilleria (heavy and light artillery, 2nd and 3rd regiments), Azaña, Castilla, Compañia Roja Alza, Dragones, Ibaizabal, Brigaba, Laredo, Bolívar, Bolívar, Bolívar, Bolívar, Bolívar, Bolívar, Muñoz, DA -Batista

It is essential to know the past in order to understand the present and build the future."

This news has been published by Anbou and Goiena and we have brought it to LUZ using the CC by-sa license.