The site of the former prison in Pamplona will be named 'Parque de Insumisiones'
  • EH Bildu, Geroa Bai, Aranzadi and I-E supported this appointment, the SNP abstained and UPN voted against. The inscription will be held on Saturday and a commemorative plaque will also be placed.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2018ko urriaren 05

From this Saturday onwards, the 'Parque de Insumisiones' will be the site of the former prison in Pamplona. In addition, they will place a memorial to remember those who, through civil disobedience, refused to continue to force themselves and were made prisoners. The plenary session of the City of Pamplona supported this initiative: The PSN abstained and UPN voted against.

At the plenary session a number of inconsistencies were made from the seats of the guests. ArgiƱe Salanueva also had the opportunity to speak. Salanueva, the sister of Unai Salanueva, a former submissive, thanked the support received from the association to which he belongs.

Starting in the morning 'Parque de la Insumisiones'

Saturday will be the day of registration. First of all, they have organized a kalejira from the Plaza de los Ajos to the place where the old prison was, a road that the neighbors supported every Thursday to the hardships that were in prison. The official opening will be at noon and then the singer Tonito Carotone will act. Those who were uncompromising and everyone who wants will have a meal in Geltoki.


  • At 11:00 hours a Kalejira Insumass will be held from the Plaza de los Ajos to the place where the jail was.
  • Opening at 12:00.
  • It will be performed by Tonino Caroton.
  • At 14:30 there will be a meal at the Station.

This news has been posted by Euskalerria Irratia and we have brought it thanks to the Creative Commons license.