Squares over the Internet so bertsolaris can continue singing
  • The Bertsozale Elkartea Association will earmark EUR 45,000 to "strengthen a bertsolaris plaza adapted to the current situation, and alleviate the vulnerability of the bertsolaris". Among other initiatives, it has launched the "Plaza" initiative, which will allow the organizers to carry out online sessions that were connected. The first session of the Durango Azoka has already been heard.
Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2020ko maiatzaren 04a

Those who had already organised a bertsos session with the Lanku company, belonging to the Bertsozale Elkartea association, will be able to do so online. The project, known as the "plaza", will be held at the headquarters of the Bertsozale Elkartea Association in Villabona, taking the necessary health measures. Listen to the sessions on the portal. The first two sessions of the first weekend of May and one of them is on the 'Teknopolis' programme:

Organized by Erandioko Euskaraldia: IGOR Elortza and Onintza Enbeita sing bertsos, and Kike Amonarriz, for his part, will analyze the current situation.

Over time, the intention is to recover the seats of the peoples of Europe.

In March, 195 meetings were scheduled, 53 of which were held. From that point on, the Bertsolarism activity in the plaza has been suspended, which means more than 400 actions less than in previous years and the Bertsozale Elkartea Association has announced the number of economic intervention generated by the bertsolarism plazas, with losses of 385,000 euros.

From now on, the Bertsozale Elkartea association will study the possibility of carrying out actions in the villages, "always under the restraining orders". Sessions will be offered in full on the portal, live or deferred, the day the organizer decides.

Activities of the Bertsozale Elkartea Association suspended

Due to the cancellation of several activities, Bertsozale Elkartea has adapted its project and budget for 2020. These are the initiatives that have been suspended: Bertso Udalekuak eta barnetegiak; Haizea etorri; Sakontze Bertso Eskola; Eskolatik Plazara; Plazara! ; Bertso Eskolen Eguna; Bertsulari Ttiki, and Besta Eguna, Bilingual Course End.