Popular initiative Aroztak
"We don't want companies that put economic interest above all welfare over the lands of Baztan."
  • Those who are campaigning against the Aroztegia project have sent the following chronicle on the fourth day: We've come to the fourth day of this camping that we're doing in carpentry. Many thought it would be nothing more than a symbolic act. Many thought that the weekend we would get tired and go home. But, we insist, we are not prepared to accept things as they are. This morning, as soon as we started working with the chainsaws, we stopped the work of destruction. Even though the Civil Guard threatened us with fines, we have kept the machines paralysed. At 5 p.m., the police presence has risen and the response to the risk of expulsion has been impressive. Thank you to all the neighbors and neighbors who are supporting the camping. This police presence is constant; it seems that Palacio de Arozteguia S.L. (even if it is a private company) has sufficient power to use law enforcement agencies that are provided with public money according to their own interests, as if they were their own private servers, the “private insurance” of Aroztegia.
Aroztak herri-ekimena 2021eko apirilaren 20a

It gives us the strength of the anger that the massacre that is being seen while we are here. Hundreds of oaks are being thrown out of several years (without thinking twice); with the excavators they are crossing and destroying twice the river in just a few meters, cutting trees and leaving them in the same place. They want to cement the agricultural land that they feed us. The same aspects that in the Government of Navarra show their “commitment” to climate change or that go out in defense of the environment are making this project possible. The attitude of the political parties that say they protect the environment is unacceptable. Some of them drive and support the project and others are silent accomplices. How do they defend the land?

Plans to promote the rural environment, sustainability... some parties wear the green veneer of environmentalism to respond to social emergencies. However, the policies they promote express the opposite. Hypocrisy and lack of pity for lying to citizens. Among these matches is Geroa Bai, the party that has recently been announced as Geroa Soziberdea. Is the way to achieve that social green future to steal land from farmers, to devote the land that can be used for agriculture to golf courses and urbanizations or rather to promote a living and healthy countryside, to fill them with tourists and to create a Bernidorm in Navarra? Clearly not. From here, we refer you to Geroa Bai: In the name of shame, remove that name from Sociverde from your name. It is better to introduce you under the name of Geroa Impositora or Geroa Devastadora.

Of course, Estella’s TEX company’s responsibility in all of this is undeniable. When we appear to their employees, they have been repeatedly ordered to pass a warning to their private security, that is to say to the Civil Guard. We do not want companies that put economic interest above all well-being. Through this note we want to inform you that every day you will find the movement against the project, from the first hour of the morning until the end of the day. Therefore, speaking of your capitalist language, and anticipating the economic losses that these stops may entail, we recommend that you abandon the works. I am sure you will be grateful for the suspension of the destruction that is taking place not only in the population, but also on earth.