“Surgical intervention” at Ertzaintza
Zigor Olabarria Oleaga @zoleaga1 2024ko martxoaren 04a

The joint note by the trade unions Erne, Esan and Sipe did not achieve the impact it deserved. At the carnival in Tolosa, the injured Ertzaintza in the eye with the child hospitalized pending surgery, these unions thought it was the right time to “congratulate” the members who participated in the operation for their “professional surgical intervention”. Then those of you will always say that the cops can only share kicks: no, in black humor, champion.

And a few weeks, on March 3, a new demonstration of black humor and surgical interventions in Vitoria-Gasteiz. Because of the black humor the democratic Basque police have quite a habit of beating against the demonstration that pays tribute to the deaths in 1976 by the Spanish Francoist Police. And since surgery, fighting the manifestation of thousands of people by the supposed behavior of “a group of people”, again with foam projectiles, but also with illegal vans and rubber balls.

"The events of Tolosa and Vitoria again put on the table a police debate"

The two examples are just a mirror of what we have. In the last trade union elections, Tolosa Erne, Esan and Sipe signed a note of 77.6% of the votes. It adds 12.9% of the Euspel union (which got the majority of Mobile Brigade blacks to make an idea). The only union that has no far-right positions and speeches, ELA, got 7.8% of the votes. That's the picture.

The events in Tolosa and Vitoria once again put the police debate on the table. Firstly, it would be important not to start the debate with the approval of the very nature and existence of the police. Let us hold the flag of utopia, realism will thank us.

But making it possible, this is the proposal for a new surgical intervention. Suppose a certain number of violent armed police is necessary to avoid incidents (?) or to combat certain types of crime. Well, suppose. How many other functions does the Ertzaintza assume? Traffic, office work, conferences in schools, music band, rescue at sea or in the mountains, judicial police, cybercrime monitoring... Is it necessary for those who comply to be trained at the Arkaute police station and receive military training? It is only necessary for one thing: to extend and legitimize the repressive function of the police, which also does good things (“No to the police”) in order to respond to what it says: “And who will then direct the traffic?”)

"Why not the Traffic School, and not the police station, to train Traffic Department staff to deal with traffic, not the police?"

Why not the Traffic School, and not the police station, to train the Traffic Department staff to deal with traffic, not the police? And schools for the people who are going to take care of the rescue, not for the police, and -- So, you could introduce those jobs people who are not willing to share kicks by taste or contract, and they wouldn't receive military training that militates their identity. Surgical intervention, in short, to isolate the violent and minimize the contamination of people and functions.

What might seem like a chimera is simple thinking the other way around: fire-fighting is not carried out by the police, but by the fire brigade, which is not a more civil activity than driving traffic. And among firefighters, no matter how muscular, trade unions, ideas and far-right interventions prevail.