Stories from China Antigua IV
A man I hadn't seen anyone
  • Jexux Eizagirre Portillo has compiled, selected and written versions of the old Chinese tales. ARGIA will update a short story to read, and we will also be able to hear the illustrations of Maitane Gartziandia.
Jexux Eizagirre Portillo 2020ko apirilaren 10

Once upon a time there was a man in the land of Chi, who was always, day and night, thirsty in gold. One day you saw the most expensive clothes and dress up at the fair. When he reached the tenderer's posture, he sold gold, grabbed the largest piece and walked away with the berries and the buds.

The soldier who had arrested him asked:

– How have you stolen the largest piece in front of all the people at the fair?

“When I stole,” he replied, “I haven’t seen anyone. I have seen nothing but gold.