Uncultured suit
Josu Jimenez Maia 2024ko otsailaren 14a

In the Spanish State, the suit of inculture has prevailed, and some presumed experts tell us what we have to worry about and what to oppose one day and another, supposedly dressed, decide what we have to do and think about our place. A typical example of experts using the uncultured suit was provided by the Spanish humorist Arévalo, who died in early January.

40 years ago we all knew it, made it famous for its jokes on Spanish Television. In every gas station, the cassettes of this merchandise could be found, which spoke of a rancid and agitated humor to his jokes and which, despite having said that “was of his time” to bleach Arévalo, always made jokes of prostitutes, págalos (sic), invalid and with expressive problems, never at the expense of the majority of the lonely, wealthy, dominant or powerful, timid.

Tertullians are not real experts, although they talk about the TV pulpit, they dress the predic with elegant words and make opposite expressions.

The Spanish Tertullians, those presumed experts, have made him a panegyric (well, at least they have worked hard) and praised his “accomplishments” and “memorable jokes”; but the Tertulians are not real experts, although they speak of the TV pulpit, who dress the predic with elegant words and make contradictory expressions, use cryptic terminology and stereotyped phrases. And most viewers swallow them without saying anything.

The writer Rafael Chirbes warned us a long time ago: “Els guapos, costumes of lies,” and I add it: a sample of incultural clothes.

Josu Jiménez Maia, writer