PP wins elections in Spain with two more seats than the PSOE
  • The third force would be Vox with 6 armchairs and one less Podemos. Now the coalition would win as many votes as Podemos. The results will be released from 23:00, when the last polling stations in Italy will be closed.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2024ko ekainaren 09a

The PP would win the elections in the Spanish state, according to the survey launched by Spanish public televisions just before the closing of the polling stations. Five years ago he got 13 seats and the company Sigma Dos expects him between 21 and 23. Next, the PSOE, keeping its 21 current.

As for the third force, there would be a change: Citizens would not get a seat, and Vox would be the third, with two or three more representatives. Next, Sumar and Podemos, or Podemos and Sumar, between them would get the same thing that Podemos got five years ago.

Moreover, the survey considers that the Now Republic coalition (EH Bildu-ERC-BNG) can guarantee its three seats, while the CEUS coalition (PNV-Canary Coalition) would hold a single representative. The boards, for their part, would have a decrease – from 3 to 1.

The survey also says that a new extreme right-wing group can get as many seats as the Now the Republic coalition. The party The party ended, led by Alvise Pérez, the far-right youtuber, would achieve 2-3 representatives.

Taken from RTVE.