Bagira launches survey to collectively define Iparralde's Abertzale project
  • The questionnaire consists of 40 questions and aims to collect citizens’ contributions on developments in recent years, the fundamentals of nationalism, medium-term objectives and organisational objectives. The collective Bagira aims to "consolidate, strengthen and lay the foundations for a journey of over 60 years addressing the current challenges" Iparralde's nationalism.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2023ko maiatzaren 04a

Being a year when Iparralde's Abertzale movement turns 60, Bagira aims to look at the past and draw from today's needs and desires the Abertzale project of tomorrow. In a first phase, the historical transmission between citizenship and generations has been addressed and linked to the second: a survey will be opened in the coming days. Its goal is to gather the opinion of everyone who identifies as Abertzale: "The nationalists of always, just close, militants, supporters... The goal is to ask people as they are doing", in the words of Anita Lopeper.

The collective Bagira aims to "consolidate, strengthen and lay the foundations for a journey of over 60 years addressing the current challenges" Iparralde's nationalism. Following on from the press conference on 3 May, they want to address the following questions in depth: "What is nationalism XXI.mendean? What are the main medium-term objectives of the Abertzale movement in Iparralde? How do you organize these goals with snow? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current Nationalist Movement?"

The questionnaire has been channelled in collaboration with the cooperative Aztiker Ikergunea. To participate in the survey it is necessary to register in the following link, although we know that the questionnaire response is anonymous.

A "very positive" rating of Aberri Eguna

For two days, 3,000 people met at Aberri Eguna this year. Bagira makes a "very optimistic" assessment: "Together came together people with the will to build sovereign, supportive, just, feminist and Basque Basque Country". They recalled that the declaration that we were read at the end of the Aberri Eguna demonstration and signed by 60 nationalists was that "the Abertzale movement looked after and reaffirmed its commitment to the construction of the future Basque Country".