Iñigo Urkullu "worried" about the lack of connection of the TAV until 2042
  • The president of the CAV has called the presidents of Cantabria, Asturias and Galicia to a meeting to analyse the situation, among other things, because the high-speed train will not be connected at the moment in Hendaia.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2023ko martxoaren 13a
Iñigo Urkulluk orain agertu du \"kezka\" AHTren konexio faltagatik. Irudian, pasa den astean automozio instalakuntza batzuen inaugurazioan. Argazkia: Irekia.

The Cantabrian Summit was qualified this Monday by the presidents of the CAPV, Asturias, Cantabria and Galicia. They will meet on the proposal of Iñigo Urkullu and, inter alia, analyse the impact of long delays in the construction of the high-speed train.

The objective of the meeting is to give a "unity image" to the Spanish Government, as explained by sources from the Presidency. According to Bingen Zupiria, spokesman for the Basque Government, Urkullu remains "concerned" about the lack of connection of the TAV, because the Atlantic territories may be "marginalized".

The French Government announced last January, by means of a report, that it will delay the construction of the route between Dax and Irun since 2030 2042.era. However, the Urkullu executive has fired the alarms two months later; the works of the TAV began in 2009 in the Alavesa town of Urbina.

According to the research group of the UPV/EHU Ekopol, the low population densities south of Bordeaux and the number of passengers and goods today make a high-speed route economically, and less socially, profitable in the Atlantic corridor.

Neighbors of Ribera Baja demanding alternatives

In Ribera Baja, the local neighbors have concentrated, thanks to the award of the works of the TAV between Vitoria and Burgos and the damage that this infrastructure will cause in the municipality.

A citizen concentration in Ribera Baja against the TAV and in favor of a social railway. Photo: Hala Bedi irratia.

It is explained that many highways and highways already circulate from Ribera Baja, with a high degree of saturation in the municipality. In this sense, they are in favour of the alternative made by the platform for the social train of Álava and Navarra, which proposes the adaptation and modernization of the current railway.

"We don't want another scar on our territory," Hala Bedi said.