PNV rejects Iñigo Urkullu and proposes Imanol Pradales as lehendakari candidate
  • EBB President Andoni Ortuzar has supported the new lehendakari candidate and the party has announced that it will submit a “proposal for a generation change” in January. Urkullu stressed that the post will remain in “rejuvenated hands” and has offered support.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko azaroaren 27a
Imanol Pradales. // Argazkia: Flickr

The PNV proposes to Imanol Pradales, the current Provincial Deputy for Infrastructure and Territorial Development of Bizkaia as candidate for the electoral presidency. Last Saturday, Iñigo Urkullu and Pradales, president of the Basque Government, met on Sunday in Sukarrieta (Bizkaia) on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the death of Sabino Arana.

EBB President Euzkadi Buru Batzar, Andoni Ortuzar, defended the Pradales event and stressed that it is part of a "new generation" that will guide the Basque institutions in the next decade, and that "the step towards a new direction". He also notes that in January he will present the proposal of “a generation change” with “new ideas”.

Regarding the leaks of recent days, Ortuzar pointed out that his goal is to “generate tension” among the members of the PNV and that “true with many lies”: “We are the unity the force”.

With the hug of Urkullu and Pradales to the cameras and leaders of the PNV, EBB wanted to represent Urkullu’s support. Lehendakari says he knows Pradales “perfectly” because he was his student at the Asti Leku school in Portugalete. Urkullu stressed that they have been “comrades” and that he has closely followed the Member’s trajectory during these years. It offers you “help” for what you need.

History of the new lehendakari candidate

It has been one of the main authors of the large infrastructure projects carried out by the foral institution Pradales in the last decade. Sacyr was a shareholder of the constructor during her office as a deputy, which caused the controversy in 2015. He had to apologize and recognized that “it was not the most appropriate” to buy the company’s shares, being that institutional responsibility. He accepted the "mistake" but did not resign.

The decision of Otegi, today

Arnaldo Otegi will today announce his presentation to the presidency of EH Bildu at the EH Bildu Political Bureau meeting. Otegi has communicated his decision to the nearest circle and will not be made public until the meeting. In recent statements, Otegi mentions the personal and family reasons that may influence the decision not to stand, but insists that if the parties so wish, he will be willing to stand as a candidate.