On the 10th anniversary event
Iñigo Cabacas parents: “We have not won in the courthouse, but we have won in the street”
  • Iñigo Cabacas has been honored on the tenth anniversary of his death. Iñigo Cabacas Lizeranzu has been declared the canton murdered by a stab of the Ertzaintza in the plaza de la Virgen Blanca. The organization and parents have thanked the citizens for their support and rejected the "wall" of the institutions.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko apirilaren 11
Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea.

Hundreds of people have paid tribute this Sunday to Iñigo Cabacas, on the corner of María Díaz de Haro Street in Bilbao. The man was killed by the Ertzaintza at the scene and received a punch in the head of Cabacas. At the time, the cousin of Cabacas, Oier Amorrortu and the member of the popular initiative Iñigo Cabacas, Eneritz Plaza, once again claimed, after a decade, the same as they asked since the day of the events: truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-repetition. “In these ten years we have received from the negative institutions, always with nice words, but without recognition or reparation”. They call for a change in the police model to end impunity, among other things.

They denounce that justice has not been done in the courts. Family lawyer Jone Goirizelaia highlighted the "obstacles" that have occurred: “The prosecutor has not helped us at any time and has prevented the real people responsible for what happened from sitting on the bench of the courts.” The judicial route is not completely closed, as the appeal has been lodged with the UN Commission on Human Rights, which has rejected the petition.

The event ended with the de-estalization of the plaque that christens the canton of María Díaz de Haro in Bilbao as Plaza Iñigo Cabacas Lizeranzu.

Photo: Casa Ecuador
Photo: Casa Ecuador
Photo: Casa Ecuador