Ekologistak Martxan points out four outbreaks of Euskal Herria for attacks on the environment
  • The expansion of Plentzia's jacket, the expansion of the Gaztelugatxe parking lot, the degradation of the waters of Pasai Donibane and the attack on the biodiversity of the island of Santa Clara de Donostia.  
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko uztailaren 02a
Donostiako Santaklara uhartea. Argazkia: Wikimedia Commons Argazkia: Wikimedia Commons

The report Banderas Negras, published this year by Ecologists in Action, has detected in Euskal Herria four outbreaks mentioned that are harmful to the environment. These are damage caused by logistics, tourism or construction plans.


The organization Euskadiko Kirol Portuak (EKP), the Town Hall of Plentzia and the Government of Navarra have been awarded the “black flag” for pollution. The project to expand Plentzia ' s jacket is the main reason for this. Ekologistak Martxan considers that the project has "many structural deficiencies". In addition, he recalled that the area’s neighbours and the local agents congregating around the SOS Ría platform have frequently responded to the construction. They regretted the development roadmap of the Basque Government, which would affect the ecosystem of the Plentzia estuary, as it was already quite damaged.


The black flag has also been placed in Bermeo, as the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the Basque Government have pointed out that they planned to launch a project to expand the parking lot of Gaztelugatxe. According to the report, the focus of this idea is entirely “short-term”, as the filming of the series Game of Thrones would only respond to the cyclical need of the tourist wave generated by the filming of the series. The local neighbours, who have roundly denied the project, had to give up at the end of the event. However, Ekologistak Martxan has maintained the complaint.

Pasai Donibane

The group places the sanitation problem of Pasai Donibane “within the serious delay that occurs in many areas of Gipuzkoa”. In this case, he warned that the sanitation of a part of the population and its environment goes directly to Pasaia Bay, “without any process of collection and treatment”. Meanwhile, the authorities of the Basque Government and the Basque Water Agency of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the City of Pasaia have reiterated that measures will be taken over the last ten years to resolve the situation. “All these promises have not been fulfilled.”

Donostia-San Sebastián

The organization has explained that in the center of La Concha Bay there is "a hot point of biodiversity", the island of Santa Clara. Although it is located in the center of the city, it has argued that it is "a place that has maintained most of its natural characteristics". Therefore, according to the Territorial Plan for the Protection and Management of the Basque Coast, it is a “zone of special protection”. However, the political leaders of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián have decided to carry out a construction work to increase tourist attraction. The adaptation of the building began a few months ago and several groups have denounced the project.