MEPs approve the reform of the CAP as a relief to environmental measures
  • MEPs voted in favour of the "simplification" of the common agricultural policy drawn up by the European Commission. 425 for, 130 against and 33 abstentions.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2024ko apirilaren 25a

This is the result of protests by farmers across different European countries: MEPs have chosen to review and "simplify" the measures of the common agricultural policy. However, they have not reviewed everything and have paid attention to the environmental green section.

They have removed some important measures in favour of biodiversity: they have annulled the obligation to abandon 4% of fallow land and the rotation of cultures. The objective of these two measures so far was twofold: to ensure the space for biodiversity and to make the use of pesticides more transparent. Christiane Lambert, President of the Commission of the European Union's Agricultural Organisations, also President of the FNSEA trade union, a defender of agro-industry in the French State, welcomes the adoption of "reasonable measures expected by farmers".

The right and centre voted unanimously, namely 425, 130 against and 33 abstentions. Environmental MEP Benoit Biteau makes it clear: "This vote goes against the European Union's climate, biodiversity and land protection strategy". The union Confederation Paysanne, part of the Via Campesina network, has strongly criticised the vote. This trade union that is committed to popular cultivation says that these changes do not respond to the farmers' crisis. Conversely, rather than continuing to support agro-industry, Confederation Paysann says that real "structural measures" are needed to guarantee farmers' incomes and support the agro-ecological transition. In general, this vote has aroused the anger of European ecologists and farmers who are betting on agroecology.

The second pillar of the CAP requires a number of requirements for access to subsidies. These requirements include a number of environmental measures. In order to curb the protests of the peasants at the beginning of the year, the European Commission announced its decision to intervene in this matter. On the other hand, there is the first pillar to which most of the budget goes. However, the criterion for receiving this subsidy is simple: it depends on the size of the estate, increases the number of hectares and increases the number of aids. Currently, 20% of European farmers receive 80% of the subsidies. In other words, agro-industry is the main target of the CAP.