Call for the submission of communications for the Euskaldunes Computing Congress (November 2024)
  • The Euskaldunes Computing Plenary (IEB), which is organised by the EU every two years, will be held again in November, and the deadline for sending communications is now open until 4 October. Theme, Artificial Intelligence (AI), as in the previous ECIA session. This 2024 edition will be the 13th edition of BSE.
Sustatu 2024ko irailaren 09a

Two calls for communication for BSE this year have been organised:

  • On the one hand, as usual, experiences, developments and initiatives related to informatics will be collected.
  • On the other hand, this year they want to make a special appeal to students from the various branches of computer science to report on their projects, final degree works and other similar projects.

This year’s day will focus mainly on the creative AA, analyzing its profound impact on computing and programming, and trying to address new challenges and opportunities to face in the coming years.

However, this does not mean that communications can only be about this: as it is a meeting of Euskaldunes informatics, in addition to the topics mentioned, other incidents related to informatics in Basque will take place on the day.

Last day for proposals, 4 October. More information here.

IEB 2024, for its part, will be held on 7 November in the space Carlos Santamaría de Donostia-San Sebastián.