Companies that have maintained their industrial activity have a "close link" with the PNV, what are they?
  • The Basque Government maintains production to “favor” the companies on its rope. This is the suspicion of ALS. In the complaint lodged last Monday against the CAV Government and Navarra a long list of companies that have committed irregularities was also presented.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2020ko apirilaren 07a
Laudioko Tubacex enpresako egoitza (arg.: Wikipedia)

ELA and LAB have filed a complaint against the Basque Government and the Government of Navarra for having infringed the Royal Decree of the Government of Spain to suspend non-essential activities. The CAV Administration issued a "clarification notice" and asked companies not to abandon production due to lack of evidence.

ARGIA has been able to analyse the full report of the complaint and after the explanatory note you can see a long list of companies that, according to the unions, have continued the activity in violation of the law. ELA explained to this media that, although there may be more, they are the majority of those who have kept the doors open, and that they have a “close link” with the Basque Government and the PNV: “They feed back,” explains Pello Igeregi.

JAZ Zubiaurre is one of those companies, the plant that Confesbask President Eduardo Zubiaurre has in Eibar. Zubiaurre made statements in Radio Euskadi against the royal decree of the Spanish Government and in defense of the position of the Economic Development Minister, Arantxa Tapia. Subsequently, many users of social networks remembered that the top representative of the Basque employers in the past was the president of the Municipal Board of the PNV of Eibar.

In addition, the trade union has valued other companies, since its managers are "close" to the PNV or have had contacts with the Basque Government. These include Tubacex, which has been the Basque Government’s Minister for Transport and Public Works and former President of Confesbask, Nuria López de Guereñu, and Haizea Wind, which recently opened the plant of the Santurtzi wind mill company, which has received EUR 10 million from the Public Contribution Fund.

Lehendakari Urkullu opens the Haizea Wind plant in Santurtzi (photo: Open)

The list of trade unions includes 37 companies, some of which are well known, such as ArcelorMittal de Olaberria and Bergara, the CAF factory in Irun, Lointek, Nervacero, Indaux, Lapoxi, Fundiciones del Estanda, Arania… The latter intervened – via the Spanish steel company – in the Spanish steel industry.

According to ELA, only with these relationships can one understand the efforts of the department of Arantxa Tapia to maintain the production of companies, although the unions assure that in many cases the safety of workers is not guaranteed.