A woman with signs of violence found dead in Asparrena
  • The body of a young German woman was found on Thursday near an Asparren gas station with signs of violence. The Civil Guard has arrested a male carrier in JaĆ©n, Andalusia, in connection with the case.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko ekainaren 22a
Arabako mugimendu feministaren mobilizazio bat. Argazkia: Hala Bedi.

According to several media reports, the body was found after the arrested man confessed to the murder of the woman, after being searched in some area around Asparrena. The disappearance of a 28-year-old woman who was hitchhiking in Germany last week was reported, and it is likely to be the same woman found in Asparrena on Thursday.

In the GAsteiz mobilizations on Thursday against the La Manada issue, the feminist movement has had this case present.