A hostel in Angelu will open for women suffering from male violence
  • Office 64, in charge of social housing, has supported the project and will ensure the management of the hostel in collaboration with other structures starting in 2021.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko uztailaren 14a
Elkarretaratzea uztailaren 11an Baionan, Darmanin Barne Ministro berriaren kontra

In 2021, they will open a new shelter for women victims of male violence in Angelu. The housing structure of Office 64 has supported the project, and the shelter will be offered in collaboration with the French prosecutor, the Baiona hospital, departmental services and various associations. Women who suffer the violence of the couple and their children will be able to stay there for several months.

Currently, Atherpea manages several shelters of this type: three homes (eight seats) at the Bayonne–Anglet-Biarritz level, two on the coast (five seats) and three between the coast and the interior (nine seats). In addition, three other apartments must be opened until September, that is to say nine others.

Concentration in Baiona

The French Interior Minister, Gerard Darmanin, was in Baiona on 11 July, on the occasion of the death of the bus driver, Philippe Monguillot. As soon as the arrival of the minister was known, several feminists called a rally to denounce the death of the young man. In total, some 60 people joined the protest against the new minister, who is accused of a violation.