New forms of digital violence: Unaccepted synthetic pornography
Emaize Sexologia Zentroa 2024ko apirilaren 09a

In the digital age, we have more and more examples of how technology affects human intimacy and alarming phenomena are occurring. Last synthetic pornography not accepted. This term refers to manipulating images or videos through artificial intelligence. To create pornographic material. Unlike conventional pornography, where participants voluntarily agree to produce and distribute content, where people are involved without their consent and without their knowledge.

This practice generates major ethical and legal concerns by not referring to the psychological consequences for people and society as a whole. Manipulating images, videos or audio files using artificial intelligence tools is called "deepfake." So far, we thought that this use of OA only affected the truth of the news. However, in 96% of cases this technology is used to create this type of pornography, with the majority of women being the victims of this new type of violence (in 99% of cases). Until now, the phenomenon has had little impact on society, although the famous have denounced this practice.

In Spain, in the case of the girls of Almendralejo (Badajoz), we began to become aware of this new phenomenon in 2023. In this country, more than ten complaints were filed that became media and somehow protected the victims. However, most cases are cases that do not jump to the media and are often not reported. In this case, we have begun to realise that this instrument can fall into the hands of minors, and the victims are also minors. This highlights a problem, but we are not fully aware that many of the digital tools available are in the hands of minors easily.

Businesses cannot know whether users are actually minors or not, and in these cases it is difficult and there is a lack of case law to understand whether it is child pornography

Nobody controls who uses apps or who generates user accounts on digital platforms. Although often some terms of use indicate that you must have a minimum age to use it, then no one monitors compliance. The first responsibility lies with the families or legal guardians of these minors. Furthermore, artificial intelligence platforms are aware that one of the criminal applications they can make to their products is the creation of unrecognised synthetic pornography, which plays a fundamental role in the creation and multiplication of unaccepted synthetic pornography.

Furthermore, we must bear in mind that the images are replaced on their servers, which are not carried out on the AA users’ telephone for these purposes, so the responsibility of these companies is clear. The problem is the existing legal vacuum in most places where these companies operate. Businesses cannot know whether users are actually minors or not, and in these cases it is difficult and there is a lack of case law to understand whether it is child pornography, as victims have not technically been sexually insulted to create such content because they have not participated. But the lack of participation does not alter the consequences for the victims: embarrassed women, who bend their heads as if they were responsible for something.

Synthetic pornography not approved by the European Union has been introduced into the new artificial intelligence law, which is well reflected when it comes to minors. However, the law leaves ample room for interpretation for adult women. The challenges posed by the use of AA, and in particular the production of synthetic pornography, are not a problem for women, but for the whole of society. Education in the proper use of digital technologies is of vital importance. It is essential to sensitize families and other educational agents to collaborate in the use of this technology, avoiding some bad uses. This and many other themes are part of the contents of our online training “Digital Sexualities”.

Emaize Sexology Center