Carnival 2025 basic calendar
  • The “cascarotas” and “mascaradas” have been in operation since January, the ones from Malerre have come in succession and little by little the carnival parties have been celebrated here and there. This year, however, the main dates are very late; on Candelaria Day the Bear woke up, but has decided to look at the moon and continue sleeping for a while longer. February 27th is Fat Thursday and March 4th is Carnival Tuesday. That’s when most of the fiestas will end, the dolls that end up in the fire are a representation of it. Until the end of March, however, we will not say goodbye to the period of libertinage and liberation. 2025eko otsailaren 14a
Inauteriak, Altsasu, 2024-02-13. Josu Garate - Dantzan CC-BY-SA

Here is the 2025 Carnival calendar. But remember that the carnival is usually a bit naughty, that where the party is going there is no connection in the short grass. Make sure to confirm the celebrations before going anywhere, and that the expectations are not always met... but that’s what we like about the carnival, isn’t it?

In 2025 these will be the main dates of the carnival

  • February 27th, Fat Thursday, Eguen zur,Orakunde, Urdelardero, Emakunde, Otsalbiko, Sasikoipetsu,...
  • Friday, February 28th, Fine Friday, Regular Barixaku...
  • Saturday, March 1st, Carnival Saturday, Zaldunita Eve...
  • Sunday, March 2nd, Sunday Carnival, Carnival Sunday, Zaldunita...
  • Monday, March 3rd, Monday Carnival, Monday...
  • March 4th, Carnival Tuesday, Carnival Tuesday, Tuesday, Asteartiñrespond, Aratuste Martitza...

The “cascarotas” and “mascaradas” have been in operation since January, the ones from Malerre have come in succession and little by little the carnival parties have been celebrated here and there. This year, however, the main dates are very late; on Candelaria Day the Bear woke up, but has decided to look at the moon and continue sleeping for a while longer. February 27th is Fat Thursday and March 4th is Carnival Tuesday. That’s when most of the fiestas will end, the dolls that end up in the fire are a representation of it. Until the end of March, however, we will not say goodbye to the period of libertinage and liberation.

Here is the 2025 Carnival calendar. But remember that the carnival is usually a bit naughty, that where the party is going there is no connection in the short grass. Make sure to confirm the celebrations before going anywhere, and that the expectations are not always met... but that’s what we like about the carnival, isn’t it?


In 2025 these will be the main dates of the carnival

  • February 27th, Fat Thursday, Eguen zur,Orakunde, Urdelardero, Emakunde, Otsalbiko, Sasikoipetsu,...
  • Friday, February 28th, Fine Friday, Regular Barixaku...
  • Saturday, March 1st, Carnival Saturday, Zaldunita Eve...
  • Sunday, March 2nd, Sunday Carnival, Carnival Sunday, Zaldunita...
  • Monday, March 3rd, Monday Carnival, Monday...
  • March 4th, Carnival Tuesday, Carnival Tuesday, Tuesday, Asteartiñrespond, Aratuste Martitza...


Carnival 2025 calendar

Saturday, 8 February

Sunday, 9 February

Thursday, 13 February

Friday, 14 February

Saturday, 15 February

Sunday, 16 February

Saturday, 22 February

February 27, Fat Thursday

February 28th, Fine Friday

March 1, Carnival Saturday

March 2, Carnival Sunday or Zaldunita

March 3, Carnival Monday

March 4, Carnival Tuesday

Saturday, 8 March

Sunday, 9 March

Saturday, 15 March

Sunday, 23 March

Sunday, 30 March


Masquerades, Kaskarotas, Libertimendes and Santibates

Note for the following: Remember that this calendar is to be used as a reference, because at the time of publication of the calendar we have not been able to confirm several celebrations, since many carnivals are organized at the last hour (because sometimes it is not even known that it will be done until it happens...), so confirm it before going anywhere. If you want to correct or complete something, leave the answer below. Have fun at the carnival!