Farewell to Iñaki Segurola Amutxastegi
  • On 16 April the family and friends of "Ogru" in Azpeitia met to say goodbye to the family. The voices of living with love and dying with dignity, without exaltation, have been heard in their simplicity, sincerely and beautifully.
Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2022ko apirilaren 18a

On Friday at 19:00, the people of Urolalde met in front of the tanatorium who had a daily treatment with Iñaki Segurola (the people of Urolalde seemed happy with the number of young people), those who 20 years ago were walking on the streets of Hernani, and the names of various corners of Euskal Herria who have made it their language: writers, bertsolaris, singers, singers.

The song that Xorie spoke entered the Agur Hall and they met with the photo of Segurola projected on the walls. Ane Arenas was in charge of reading the first words of farewell and later, Mikel Alberdi and Eneko Ibarguren, with respect and without taboos, explained how they were the last days they lived with Segurola (see Ibarguren text in Uztarri). The words of Segurola were heard by the mouth of these friends: how he felt, what he saw when he looked forward, what he thought of his life and how he was going to face it, how the mental illness was managed, which kept life at that moment for not doing harm to his wife, but which would find some way to liberate her without doing harm...

Segurola's death surprised four people, and the civil farewell act helped greet his partner as he was and publicly speak/listen about mental illness and suicide without drowning. Segurola decided to die, and in this last action he also conveyed an informative message that has the same characteristics as all his words and writings: (odor of incense) that questions the general consensus, enriching to broaden vision and nourish critical thinking, raw listening. "When there's someone in the last stage of cancer, we all recognize that they have to die, and what's more, we're willing to give drugs to relieve pain and accelerate the end -- and why don't people accept it when it comes to a mental illness? ".

Photo: Koldo Hormaza.

Among the interventions, Iosu Isaias Isuo and Jon Gurrutxaga offered songs. The latter commented with humor that he only came up with some Sotana verses and that by not falling into them he would have to play the guitar for the first time in the audience, blaming Ogrue. The Bertsolaris Igor Egiguren, Unai Agirre and Jexux Mari Irazu sang the verses (at the end of this chronicle was read), and said that Ogrua did not like whiteness and that, therefore, they had no choice but to sing truth, putting the word to every thing.

Eneritz Arzallus, friend of Segurola and ARGIA worker, explained the most beautiful moments that were experienced in the assembly, while Hormak eta haizea, Izaki Gardenak and Hankak sounded in the Lurrin radio programme. Photos of childhood and youth, with family and friends...

The event ended with a lively concert by You are alwais on my mind (by Elvis Presley, played by the Pet Shop Boys group), which was the final point. This was chosen by the family, as Iñaki Segurola took the opportunity to say goodbye to his father on the radio and to his family.

The attendees then took the opportunity to give a hug to the widow of Segurola, Garbiñe Larrea. Tears, hugs, greetings with a pleasant surprise to those I hadn't seen long ago, exchanges of information and memories, laughs ...

Everyone came back with his wound. In gratitude to all those who prepared the act and spoke without stumbling, the first is to clean the wound so that it does not get stuck and goes crazy.

Transcription of verses

Igor Egiguren:

It's the day of today.

but tristewater

Surprise moves us

inner feeling

have lived with dignity

you've left the world

You have the benefit of everybody.

Respect Ogroa


We already have your freedom.


At this time you don't feel

Fear and the cold

but soon it will succeed

joy of the experience

general indifference

the heart we love

Ability to work alone

severe criticism

in the light of your lantern is not in front

Nothing but death.


How to decorate a feeling

Inside, outside?

Nothing that cannot be understood

reason for the name ...

Although we will miss you

Fighting on the flanks.

we can afford a rebellious joy.

at the bottom of the paternal house:

necessarily in the word

Go free!


Unai Agirre:

We haven't stayed for a long time

hopes for what was long

at every turn I gained

This world of ours!

We know, you don't like it

The falcon and the lustrian ...

In the respect goodbye Ogro

two eyes full of tears.

Don't think more about looking for answers

see me wondering

It's written from your hand

It's not everything.


Mari Irazu:

Something generalist

I was walking around Ogru

I wouldn't want to


cannot be

can be your partner

your amplitude

heart and brain

cannot be

can be your partner

what war has taken place and

How much we love you!