Iñaki Larrañaga, in 1985: "The process of promoting Euskera has not stopped"
  • Today, in the first issue of Larrun, monthly supplement of ARGIA, in 1985, a long interview was offered to the sociologist Iñaki Larrañaga with the objective of concretizing the main characteristics of a diagnosis on the situation of the Basque Country. Starting with the book "Hernani, sociology of a Gipuzkoan working-class people" published in Hernani in 1964, Larrañaga became one of the finest experts in the normalization and repression efforts of the Basque Country within the Siadeco association. In this interview we have collected in PDF what sociologists have told us. The Basque promotion process has not stopped (Larrun, June 1985, Iñaki Uria and Pello Zubiria).
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