Report that the situation of workers in the entertainment sector is on "red alert"
  • This Thursday, the working conditions of people working in the spectacle sector have been denounced. The initiative, called Red Alert, has been carried out in Bilbao, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Pamplona/Iruña.
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko irailaren 18a
Teknikarien mobilizazioa Gasteizen. Argazkia: Firma

Professionals in this sector have denounced in several capitals of Hego Euskal Herria the difficulties experienced by the Basque entertainment sector. This will has been demonstrated by the Red Alert initiative carried out this Thursday in Bilbao, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Pamplona/Iruña. Cultural events, shows and performances are as achievable as any other activity, and meet the health safety requirements.

It is not the first time that spectacle technicians have made spectacular demonstrations in the Basque Country, as with the restrictive measures following the pandemic they have highlighted on more than one occasion that their profession is in a “life or death” situation. Iñigo Hermosilla was the spokesperson for the demonstration on Thursday afternoon in Vitoria-Gasteiz. Hermosilla considered that the sector is "in a critical situation" and that public administrations should "restart the show agenda", especially those in the hands of municipalities.

More professionals in the sector have joined the demonstrations above Euskal Herria, in several cities of the Spanish State, sharing the same motto and objective. In total, 23 mobilizations have been carried out within the framework of the dynamic Red Alert.