Watch the Bertsolaris National Championship live
  • Three months ago the Bertsolaris National Championship was launched and today it ends at the Nafarroa Arena in Pamplona. The bertsolaris who got the pass for the end of this tour were: Aitor Mendiluze Gonzalez, Alaia Martin Etxebeste, Amets Arzallus Antia, BeƱat Gaztelumendi Arandia, Joanes Illarregi Marzol, Maialen Lujanbio Zugasti, Nerea Ibarzabal Salegi and Subai Colina Acordarrementeria. and EITB will follow from here the final and thanks to them we will be able to offer it streaming on ARGIA. @bertsolaritza 2022ko abenduaren 16a