EHGAM awards the observatory against Ikusgune LGTBI+phobia
  • The Gay-Les Liberation Movement of Euskal Herria EHGAM has been distributing the Golden Triangle and the Trapo Spartine for more than 20 years, the first to reward work in favor of sexual liberation and the second to point out the opposition to sexual liberation. The awards were given on 24 June and the Golden Trio awarded the work of the Ikusgune observatory against the LGTBI+phobia of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Trapuzko Espartina has offered schools conflicting attitudes to work on sexual diversity.
Amaia Lekunberri Ansola 2022ko ekainaren 27a
Argazkia: EHGAM

As every year, EHGAM distributed the Golden Triangle and the Trapo Spartine on Friday at the Bira Cultural Centre in Bilbao. They have also chosen to maintain the tradition begun more than two decades ago in the "revitalized journey of EHGAM". "There are countless reasons to reward people, projects, initiatives or collectives who work for sexual liberation in the Basque Country. Because there are many of us who continue to work on a daily basis to live in freedom for all people (...) But unfortunately, there are also those who want this work to be damaged by sexual liberation. There are still attitudes, discourses, public policies or groups that hinder the full existence of our rights by LGBTI+ people," they said.

So, once again, they've rewarded work for sexual liberation and pointed out the opposite. Trapu's Spartine was dedicated to an attitude opposed to the treatment of sexual diversity in educational centers, understanding that it denies the diversity of sexuality, gender roles and stereotypes from a perspective

It reproduces and strengthens from the essentialist point of view, which encourages the center to have strange and unsafe spaces for some people and fundamentally denies reality itself.

"It is difficult to award a prize for an attitude, but unfortunately there are countless names and groups that adopt these attitudes. At the international level, fascists like Orbán de Hungary, LGBT phobia of the Russian State, VOX anti-feminist party and LGBT fobo of Spain claiming the parenteral pin, neoliberal ultraderechist as Ayuso, homophobic judge of Castellón or Association of Christian Lawyers. But in our case there are also those who drive this type of attitude, such as the group self-appointed by the Radical Feminist of the Basque Country, which has sent a letter to the schools in which they criminalize the different agents who work with sexual diversity. For all of them, therefore, a mop spartine." Having said that, and before promoting the distribution of the Golden Trio, the demonstration convened by the Coordinadora de Bizkaia, E28, on 28 June, was convened, in which, as requested by the coordinator, publicly expressed their commitment to their reading, which aims to promote the positioning in society with the currents of feminism that excludes from transsexuality.

The well-deserved Trio de Oro was then announced: Ikusgune, observatory against the LGTBI+phobia of Vitoria-Gasteiz. As explained by EHGAM, although the observatory was created in 2019, its beginnings can be seen in 2017, when Lumagorri, a member of the Anti-Heterosexism Group, began building from the "concern of several Vitorian collectives", an observatory against LGTBI+phobia. "Ikusgune is a project arising from self-management and the movement itself, and is currently one of the leading initiatives in Euskal Herria against LGBT+phobia. With this award, in addition to praising the work and model of a project like Ikusgune, which comes from the local perspective and popular movements, we want to reward the people who have turned to the creation of the project and the task of the current project," they explained. Sejo Carrascosa, from Ikusi, picked up the prize on behalf of the team.