LAB denounces that IKEA has cut wages to a trade unionist
  • The employee, who works at the Barakaldo facility, has been convicted of “denouncing the layoffs.”
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko ekainaren 08a
IKEAK Barakaldon duen saltokia. Argazkia: Barakaldo Digital Argazkia: Barakaldo Digital

The LAB trade union has launched a campaign in the shop of the Swedish multinational IKEA in Barakaldo to denounce that the company "has lowered wages and changed jobs" to a trade unionist.

The management of the Barakaldo Point of Sale has taken this action by denouncing the redundancies that have occurred in the company. "IKEA discriminates because she is a woman, because she is a worker, because she is a syndicalist, because she is a mother," the union said in a statement.